Share with your peers like never before.
The foundation of the Everynook community and our driving prinicple is for our community of like-minded real estate professionals to be able to share insights, tips, successes and advice in a way never before available. The help achieve this, we have created the Knowledge Base suite of collaborative tools.
Writer’s block? Get suggestions for marketing and contract terms from local experts.
Crafting the appropriate response to another agent or properly advertising a quirky benefit of your newest listing can sometimes be challenging. Browse our library of contract terms, showing instructions, marketing terms and more for inspiration (or just copy them directly - we make it easy).
Learn more about property issues than you ever dreamed
Part of being an excellent agent is being able to educate buyers and sellers about various property condition concerns that may impact the value, functionality or resalability of a particular property. With the Everynook crowdsourced library of various property conditions and concerns, you’ll be able to quickly reference these concerns and convey the issues to your clients like a pro.
Lead-based paint is still present in millions of homes, normally under layers of newer paint. If the paint is in good shape, the lead-based paint is usually not a problem. Deteriorating lead-based paint (peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking, damaged, or damp) is a hazard and needs immediate attention.
Partner Match Programs offer additional down payment and/or closing cost assistance for qualified borrowers utilizing a Maryland Mortgage Program (MMP) loan. Participating employers...
Good For: Employees of participating employers who use selected MMP loans and meet other program....Access to a complete and comprehensive library of loans and grants
Helping clients find new and creative mortgages and financial assistance in the changing lending landscape will be hugely beneficial to your clients and your business overall. Our Finding Financing tool will help you learn about every type of mortgage and grant available as well as connect you to the expert lenders and organizations that can assist your clients with these products.
Stay on top of the most important local real estate events available for you and your clients
As an agent, your constantly changing and unpredictable schedule sometimes makes it difficult to keep track of which events and conferences may be happening locally. Our database of in-person and online events will help you stay up to date on the events most important to you so you never miss out. This is also a great tool for you to publicize your meeting to the agents, consumers and vendors who would benefit most by attending.
In this session, we’ll share the top 10 challenges in connecting, converting and establishing value with online leads and how to overcome them. Get one step ahead by understanding common roadblocks and how to clear the path.
Curabitur nec enim sapien. Nullam eu turpis semper sem maximus varius vel suscipit arcu. Maecenas euismod faucibus ante, ac varius mauris tristique sed. Pellentesque auctor tortor metus, non finibus magna semper vel. Phasellus ut rutrum turpis. Duis sed ullamcorper dui. Nam interdum eros interdum, viverra tellus vitae, dapibus arcu. Proin ac justo tortor.
Curabitur nec enim sapien. Nullam eu turpis semper sem maximus varius vel suscipit arcu. Maecenas euismod faucibus ante, ac varius mauris tristique sed. Pellentesque auctor tortor metus, non finibus magna semper vel. Phasellus ut rutrum turpis. Duis sed ullamcorper dui. Nam interdum eros interdum, viverra tellus vitae, dapibus arcu. Proin ac justo tortor.